PHED 1250
2024-2025年度 第二學期
Class Code | Course Title | Lecture Time | Language | Teaching Staff | Phone No. | Email Address |
PHED 1250XA | Martial Arts Bing Dao | We 02:30PM - 04:15PM | C | Dr. SUN Li | 3943 1410 | |
University Sports Centre Table Tennis Room
Course Description
This course is offered as one of the courses under the Elective Physical Education Programme. It aims to develop students’ knowledge and basic skills of martial arts bing dao, improve students’ physical fitness and motor coordination, and enhance students’ generic skills such as creative thinking, communication and team collaboration through the learning of bing dao basic movements and group practice. Contents of the course include: theory and practice of basic footwork, basic offensive techniques, basic defensive techniques, individual and two-person bing dao routines, bing dao related fitness and establishing a positive attitude towards sports participation, and so on. Bing dao performance is required as assessment at the end of the course and students can learn the basic performing knowledge and skills.
Course Syllabus
1. 武術兵道的歷史發展
2. 武術兵道的分類
3. 基本禮儀
4. 基本步法
5. 進攻及防守技術
6. 連擊組合動作
7. 個人兵道技四式
8. 雙人兵道技四式
9. 兵道裁判規則
10. 搏擊實戰
Physical Skill Tests 60% (Login to access the course note, exam standard and video demonstration)
Written Examination 20%
Attendence and Participation 20%
Learning Resources
Reference Books:
1. 李龍 (2021). 中國武術短兵教程. 人民體育出版社
2. 王華鋒 (2007). 中國短兵教程. 北京體育大學出版社
3. 溫搏 (2021). 中國武術中英雙語教程. 北京師範大學出版社
4. 譚悅能(2023). 武術:跨時代的文化禮物. 紅出版(青森文化)
5. 武世俊 (2015). 實戰刀法. 人民體育出版社
6. 蔡龍雲 (2013). 劍術運動. 人民體育出版社
1. 中國武術協會:
2. 中國香港武術聯會:
3. 武術兵道:
4. 世界武術搏擊聯盟: