Physical Education Unit - 高爾夫球 第二學期

PHED 1240

2024-2025年度 第二學期

Class Code Course Title Lecture Time Language Teaching Staff Phone No. Email Address
PHED 1240XA Golf Mo 02:30PM - 04:15PM C Mss. HUANG Minyi 3943 7696



Sir Philip Haddon-Cave Sports Field Lawn

Course Description


Course Syllabus

  1. 介紹三種握桿方法、短桿和長桿站姿、瞄球姿勢

  1. 介紹鐵桿

  1. 介紹高爾夫球運動的禮儀

  1. 介紹球場規則(共72總桿18洞,並劃分為45桿洞,43桿洞,及104桿洞)

  1. 練習場及比賽用場區別

  1. 介紹比賽策略與運用

  1. 介紹球袋內14隻球桿(木桿,鐵桿及短桿)

  1. 介紹高爾夫球運動的特點及其挑戰之益處

  1. 比賽模式:個人桿數賽

  1. 比賽模式:團隊賽


Physical Skill Tests 60% (Login to access the course note, exam standard and video demonstration)

Written Examination 20%

Attendence and Participation 20%

Learning Resources

  1. Barrentine S., Fleisig G., Johnson H. (2000). Ground Reaction Forces and Torque of Professional and Amateur Golfers. Taylor & Francis Group.
  2. Blackburn, K. (1999). Exercises for elite golf performance. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  3. 完美揮桿研究. (2005). Search for the Perfect Swing: The Proven Scientific Approach to Fundamentally Improving Your Game. By Alastair J. Cochran and John Stobbs
  4. Saunders, V. (2006). The golf handbook (3rd ed.). New York: Three Rivers Press.
  5. Harvey Penick's Little Red Book高爾夫紅寶書. (2014). Harvey Penick & Bud Sharke. ISBN: 978-7511256256.
  6. Golf Shots: How to Easily Hit a Wide Variety of Shots like Stingers, Flop Shots, Wet Sand Shots, and Many More for Better Scoring. (2017). Team Golf Well and Bruce Miller, B.A., J.D. ISBN-13: 978-1548406783
  7. Rogers, M., Hogan, Ben. (2003). Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons: The Modern Fundamentals of Golf (Vol. 128, Issue 2, p.124). Library Journals, LLC.
  8. Team Golf Well and Bruce Miller, B.A., J.D. (2017). Golf Shots: How to Easily Hit a Wide Variety of Shots like Stingers, Flop Shots, Wet Sand Shots, and Many More for Better Scoring. Pacific Trust Holdings NZ Ltd.
  9. The Four Foundations of Golf: How to Build a Game That Lasts a Lifetime. (2022). Jon Sherman. ISBN-13: 979-898644420.
  10. 香港職業高爾夫球協會
  11. 香港高爾夫球總會
  12. 美國職業高爾夫球協會
  13. 美國高爾夫球協會-球場規則